
Ta’raach & Blu

The name C.R.A.C. Knuckles sounds like a punishing device; an instrument capable of turning flesh to pudding. Figuratively this could be true, but in literal sense C.R.A.C. Knuckles is the collaboration of two of hip-hop’s most promising minds; Detroit veteran Ta’Raach and Los Angeles native and 2007 Rookie of the…


BY CHARLIE LOVESHAFT FIRST YOU COULD START AT THE PLANNED PARENTHOOD AT 201 29th St and pick yourself up some free rubbers. Free is always good. Especially when it saves your junk and prevents any new lil’ groms’ from being brought into this already overpopulated world. PS Don’t forget that…

Pacsun Tour, The Boardwalk

PACSUN TOUR Wednesday January 30th, 2008 The Boardwalk, Orangevale, CA WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT THE BOARDWALK WAS an evening filled with booty shakin’ and hand clappin’ as the PacSun Tour graced Orangevale with its ever-so-rockin’ presence. I must admit, I’m that guy who misses the opening band most of the time…

Talk of the Town! at Holy Grounds, Marysville

Talk of the Town!, The Paper Melody, Everyday, Push Push Pull SATURDAY, FEBURARY 23 2008 Holy Grounds, Marysville, CA At first glance, the venue appears as if maybe you’ve ended up in the wrong place. Surely this tiny, tucked-away, church building is not the chosen location to house four local…

They Say the Geek Shall Inherit the Earth

Coheed and Cambria Grow Stronger in the Face of Adversity At this point in its career, Coheed and Cambria isn’t taking anyone by surprise. They’ve taken an unconventional path on their road to notoriety, to be sure, but despite they’re dazzlingly technical prog epics and baffling sci-fi concept, the group…

Artistically Driven, Carlos Lopez

Cawzlos Weighs In On His Art and Business Carlos Lopez wasn’t born a musician. The allure of MCing isn’t what led him to a lifelong devotion to hip-hop. However, over the last 10 years that has been the road he has followed, and while at points throughout he has questioned…

I’ve Heard Paris Is Nice This Time of Year

Some things were just meant to be. Listening to the music of Sacramento locals Agent Ribbons, you’d think the group had been together forever. There’s an almost preternatural chemistry between vocalist/guitarist Natalie Gordon’s warm, rich guitar tones, her equally resonant vocals and drummer Lauren Hess’s smoothly shuffling rhythms. However, Agent…