
One Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Life is a fragile thing. There was a point last week when I didn’t think these words would ever make it down on paper. Hell, two days ago, I wasn’t even sure if I would make it from my bed to the toilet, let alone put together a coherent thought….


When I was a teenager, I had designs on becoming a famous indie comic book creator. This, of course, was an impossible dream because there is no such thing as a famous indie comic book creator. I would have had a better shot aspiring to be a unicorn (that was…

Fall From Grace

I remember going into a mom and pop electronics store (those used to exist) with my parents. I must have been in the fifth grade. There was a room full of giant televisions with state of the art audio and visual equipment. This was the ‘80s, mind you, so the…

Getting to Know Your Candidates

The 2012 Presidential elections are just around the corner, but you already know that. Unless you’ve been hiding out in your doomsday shelter for the past four years, you’ve watched the Republicans squirm in their seats, cry like babies and demand that they be put in charge. Well, their chance…

2011: The Year That Wasn’t

Yeah, yeah, yeah… a lot of shit happened in 2011. Big deal, I say! Thanks to 24-hour news networks and our Internet overlords, we were all there to see what went down. I feel like this past year’s major events have been pounded into our heads over and over again…

The MP3 Manifesto

Almost all of us have done it. If you haven’t illegally downloaded music, it’s probably because you don’t know how. My mother is pretty much a saint, a real church-going catholic woman who even sings in the choir, but even she isn’t immune. It seems like after Napster blew up…

Black Friday Rules

I finally did it. After years of staying away from Black Friday, I finally succumbed. I wanted to get my parents a coffee maker, and the deal was too good to pass up. I didn’t cut my holiday short, though. I didn’t opt out of Thanksgiving dessert–though I probably would…

Put a lid on it

One of my favorite things about fall is all the clothes: coats, scarves, boots and HATS. I’ve really enjoyed seeing the variety of different hats that guys around town have been sporting to keep their domes warm. Not everyone can rock a hat. And it definitely takes a certain amount…

Animal House

It’s amazing what power can do to people, even to those who seem above reproach. You may or may not be a sports fan, but you’ve more than likely heard something about the scandal that has devastated one of the nation’s most respected college football teams and perhaps one of…