Pet professional and dog training book author Chris Perondi spends most of his time traveling the world to bring cities the ultimate dog show experience. When he is not showcasing, he is analysing dog behavior and how to properly train them, following many of the tricks mentioned in his latest book, The Big Book of Tricks for the Best Dog Ever, which details 118 stunts. Perondi will stop at the Grass Valley Veterans Memorial Hall (255 S. Auburn St.) for two shows of his 90-minute theater program, Stunt Dog Experience. These rescue dogs are guaranteed to provide an exciting show featuring air stunts and tricks, and will consist of 20 dogs and five human performances. Stunts will consist of multiple challenges testing the canines’ intelligence, speed, accuracy and leaping ability. Tickets are $25 for members of The Center for the Arts and $30 for the general public. Catch the matinee show starting at 1 p.m. or the second at 7 p.m. To get tickets and for more information, check out The Center for the Arts’ page at

**This write-up first appeared in print on page 10 of issue #304 (Nov. 6 – 20, 2019)**
