If you’re feeling crafty and you have a green thumb (or an interest in earning a green thumb), you’ve got to snag tickets early to get in on this hands-on workshop going down Saturday, Oct. 5. Guests will make a stunning “propagation station” out of a repurposed redwood plant holder that holds glass vases, so that you can start propagating (aka breeding) your own plant babies at home! You’ll get to take home everything you see in the photo, and you’ll also learn all about indoor house plants and how to have success with propagation. Tickets are $49 each, available online through Eventbrite.com (search for “Propagate Potting Workshop”). The workshop is being put on by The Prickly Pear, a succulent and cactus nursery and shop that also hosts private “Pot N Sip” events among other gatherings (learn more at Shopthepricklypear.com), as well as hosts Urban Wood Rescue, a nonprofit program of the Sacramento Tree Foundation who work to keep urban trees from going to landfills when they have to be removed due to disease or hazard (learn more at Urbanwoodrescue.com).