Jennifer Keller is a woman with art in her blood. She grew up in a creative space, earned her art degree and devoted her life to not only her own art but others’ art as well. To Keller, art “relaxes, heals, energizes and connects” and now, it’s your chance to experience this tranquility. On Sunday, Sept. 30, 2018, Keller is offering her services to those in an artistic rut, providing coaching and expert critique of any pieces you are currently working on so that the creative juices can flow once again. The event will take place at University Art (2601 J St., Sacramento) from 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Arrive on time so that you don’t miss the show-and-tell critique, and bring your work-in-progress pieces along with your paint, palettes, brushes and anything else needed to complete your masterpiece. Tables, chairs, easels and more will be provided to you. Tickets are $29 and can be purchased from
**This write-up first appeared in print on page 9 of issue #274 (Sept. 12 – 26, 2018)**