Just because you’ve got a day job, doesn’t mean you can’t be creative. For evidence of this, look no further than the local art exhibit, So Watt! An illuminating look at the artwork of SMUD employees and their families. This mixed-media exhibit is on view now through May 10 at The SMUD Art Gallery, located inside their customer service center at 6301 S St. in Sacramento. It features the work of well over a dozen employees of SMUD (short for Sacramento Municipal Utility District), their families and retirees. Everything from photography to watercolors, to printmaking, to oil and acrylic paintings and more will be on display from artists like Bonnie Williams, Philip Roina, Ron Kendall, Judy LewLoose, Jennifer D. Jackson, Will Davies and many others. Stop in and check out some great artwork for free, Monday–Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Who knows, maybe it’ll inspire you to create, too!
