Ever wanted to learn the ins and outs of pickling your own veggies? Here’s your chance! Join local instructor Leanna Halldorf—who has won multiple first-place awards at the California State Fair for her pickled okra, green beans and asparagus—at the Sierra 2 Center’s Garden Room on Sunday, July 28 for a DIY Pickles class. In this one hour, hands-on class, you’ll go over how to prep your materials, prepare your ingredients and how to properly pressurize your pickles so they will last you through the winter. You’ll even learn a quick pickle or fridge pickle recipe. They provide the pickling cans, spices and liquid; you need to bring a half-pound of whatever vegetable you would like to pickle. You’ll want to make sure it’s extra fresh, so it’s suggested to hit up the Sunday morning farmers market from 8 a.m. to noon at Eighth and W streets under the freeway in downtown Sac! Be sure to register for the class ahead of time (space is limited!) for $25 at Sierra2.org. The class starts at 2 p.m.