There are all kinds of apps out there: some are free, some cost you a bit of money, others, like Facebook, just suck away your precious time and energy like some digital vampire with an insatiable appetite. But do these apps really do anything for you that matters? No. They definitely don’t bring you booze. Luckily, Sacramentans can now employ their smartphones for a worthwhile cause with the recent launch of Saucey in Sacramento. The Los Angeles-based company promises home alcohol delivery in an hour or less and works much like ride-sharing services like Uber, according to a Jan. 9, 2017, article on “Saucey’s couriers can see orders and sign up to handle that delivery,” the article stated. Orders are placed directly to the store, and, yes, valid ID is required before the order is completed (sorry, kids). You can download the app at and connect with the company at Enjoy … responsibly, of course!