In its 15th season, Irish Christmas in America, a holiday show featuring Irish music, dances and stories, is making two stops in the Sacramento region. You can catch their first show on Friday, Dec. 20 at the Amaral Center in Grass Valley’s Nevada County Fairgrounds (11228 McCourtney Road) at 1 p.m. Snag those tickets before it is too late for the Friday show at the prices of $35 for members, $45 general admission and for $15 for youth (12 and under). More information for this show can be found at The second showing will take place at The B Street Theatre (2700 Capitol Ave.) on Dec. 21 at 8:30 p.m. Both shows will feature singing by guest artist Niamh Farrell, an acclaimed singer from Sligo, Ireland, and will be accompanied by Ireland’s Traditional Singer of the Year, Séamus Begley, a musician from West County Kerry. The show, produced by Oisín Mac Diarmada of award-winning lrish group Téada, is also bringing The McKeever School of Irish Dance to perform during sets at their Dec. 21 show. Tickets for the Saturday show at The Sofia can be purchased for $40. For more details visit
**This write-up first appeared in print on page 10 of issue #307 (Dec. 18, 2019 – Jan. 1, 2020)**