Submerge got word recently that Olivia Coelho and Trisha Rhomberg from Bows and Arrows are teaming up with Sean Stout of Terroreyes.tv to form a record label, so we just had to investigate. After exchanging a couple e-mails with Coelho and spending 15 minutes inside Bows and Arrows picking Rhomberg’s brain, it has been confirmed. Be on the lookout for MYTHLAB some time in early 2011. “We just want to support our local friends and talent,” Rhomberg said. “You can talk, you can get each other pumped up all the time and be into each other’s stuff and be at everybody’s shows, but if you don’t take physical action to make real change and create a physical space for us to gather and share ideas, we might always just be this loose cosmos of artists, but I want us tight. It’s the only way to grow.” She confirmed that they have seven artists (which I agreed not to divulge, yet) ready to release material through their newly formed label, and trust me–it’s stuff to get excited about.
Bows and Arrows is moving to their 19th Street location in the near future (Rhomberg said they are aiming for a March 1, 2011 opening) and with the move comes a major expansion in their business model. Not only will they continue to sell vintage and repurposed clothing at the new location, they will also show art, host live music in conjunction with their label’s releases and offer food and drinks. In fact, Davis’ Fat Face was recently confirmed to run the café section! Seems like a lot to handle, especially with the addition of the label and all, but Rhomberg jokingly assures us they can manage it. “We are the get shit done girls.”