The day after St. Patrick’s Day is usually reserved for nursing your hangover, but this year, how about not being a baby? Keep the party going on Saturday, March 18 and head out to Starlite Lounge (1517 21st St.) to see some amazing stoner rock courtesy of Truckfighters, who will be coming to Sacramento all the way from Sweden. Fans of Witchcraft will find a lot to love here: Take for instance their epically fuzzy and sprawling “Calm Before the Storm” from their latest album V. Its huge riffs, soaring melodies and reverb-y psychedelic goodness may be euphoric enough to cure that banging inside your head (no guarantees, though). Also playing will be Yawning Man from Death Valley (aka the most metal name for a place on Earth) and Peace Killers from right here in Sacramento. This is a 21-and-over show (sorry young headbangers) that will get underway at 8 p.m. You can purchase tickets for $13 in advance or at the door for $16. For more info, go to, but in the meantime, do yourself a favor and check out Truckfighters’ V right now on Spotify, preferably in a dark room lit only by a lava lamp.