

Inside Out Rated PG {4.5 stars out of 5} The elevator-pitch meeting for Pixar’s new flagship must have been delightfully bizarre. One can almost hear the question being posed: “What if we could make Finding Nemo more like Inception?” To say that phrase is accurate to some extent about the…


Jurassic World Rated PG-13 | 3 out of 5 Stars One week on, my post-theater buzz beginning to wear off, I return for a more detailed evaluation of Summer 2015’s definitive blockbuster, Jurassic World. Upon first viewing, Jurassic World is suitably rewarding, hitting the pleasure centers square-on like a Pachycephalosaurus…

Everyone Loves a Comeback

Entourage Rated R {4 out of 5 stars) There’s been a hole in my heart since Entourage ended. Sure, the last season was total garbage, and when you look at the whole of the series, well, it wasn’t like life-affirming, high-brow entertainment. It was just a bunch of dudes being…

Mad Max: Fury Road

Mad Max: Fury Road Rated R | 3.5 stars out of 5 I wonder if Mel Gibson was upset that he didn’t get asked to cameo in the Mad Max relaunch. He may be a homophobe, a racist, an anti-semite, a misogynist, a Scientologist, an arsonist, an arborist, a member…


Maggie Rated PG-13 | {3 out of 5 stars} Are there any narrative particulars that have yet to fall within the scope of the zombie genre? Over the years in which the undead have held a shambling sway over the popular imagination, they have been employed in social satires (Dawn…

I Got Your Back, Sansa

I’m all caught up on Season Five of Game of Thrones. I’m not sure where it’s headed yet, but for all its boobs and violence, the show still manages to put me in a contemplative mood. I mostly tune in for dragons… and Daenerys Targaryen. Mostly Daenerys, but if she’s…

Orange Is the New Black’s Laverne Cox at Mondavi Center

Laverne Cox has quite a few amazing accomplishments under her belt. She’s the first transgender woman of color to have a leading role on a mainstream television show (Orange Is the New Black), the first transgender woman to land on the cover of TIME magazine and the first transgender performer…