
Happy Dranksgiving!

Go find your fat pants… Thanksgiving is here! Turkey Day is one of, if not the best, American holidays. For a nation known for mass proportions, it’s always comforting when gluttony is openly encouraged. Each year toward the end of November, families battle through traffic and with each other to…

Popular Uprisings

There’s a war going on outside that no man is safe from. The rich have destroyed the economy, eliminated jobs and hoarded cash. Now the jobless masses created by the rich have begun demonstrating on Wall Street and in other cities across America. America has officially proclaimed it class warfare,…

Fall On Your Ass

Fall is back and you know what that means: new TV shows! Each autumn our network overlords throw us a fresh batch of random shit to watch. I took a peek at the actual shows premiering this year and it’s not good. What will I mindlessly stare at for 30…


It used to be so cute. A little snooping here…a smidge of copyright infringement there; most of us didn’t even notice. Things went on that way for a number of years. I’m too lazy to pin down exactly when hacking came to the attention of the populace, but I’d guess…

Case Closed

If I hadn’t been trolling Facebook at the time of the verdict, I never would have heard of Casey Anthony. Ignorance is not something I’m particularly proud of. Apparently it was big news–or at least people perceived it as big news. The 25-year-old Floridian was indicted on seven charges in…

Winter Is Coming (Get It?)

A cursory look at the temperatures will tell you that we’re a long way from winter. But make no mistake about it: Winter IS coming. If you don’t know what I’m referencing, I’m sorry. You really should live life less and watch TV more. That’s what I do. I don’t…


Let’s see…what’s been happening in the news lately? Royal wedding? That was a pretty big deal. Oh, wait, Osama bin Laden’s dead (OR IS HE (lol j/k he is, assholes, they said so on television)). I guess I could write about that. I don’t know. It’s been a pretty slow…

Drop that Doobie, Brother!

It’s 4/20 and you are so fucked up right now! It’s like the numbers of the month and day require you to get totally blazed! I’m surprised you are even trying to read this. No, you aren’t being paranoid; this newspaper/blog is talking to you. Crazy, right? Yes, that is…

It’s Better on Weed

Words by Miles Gladhammer and Bocephus Chigger Among the 4/20 friendlies it is understood that the world would be a kinder and better place if the treasured buds were legalized. Under the influence, we’re less agitated–the continued existence of Phish cover bands posing as jam bands is proof of that….

Eat Eat Eat Eat

I love food. I should weigh 500 pounds. I’ve never met a cuisine I couldn’t enjoy in some way, shape or form. I sometimes do an involuntary little food dance in my seat. It sort of looks like a dog wagging its tail accompanied by some lip smacking. This dance…